39. Using and Sharing Your Content Strategically

Sep 4, 2019 | Aligned Business

Episode Details

The third episode of the #BeTheLighthouse Series is all about using your content strategically. Because if you have a solid platform and you have great content but no way to get that content out into the wider world…no one will see it.

It’s similar to the whole “If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?” questions that dads (why is it always dads?) are so fond of asking.

Without a strategic plan for your content, it’s going to be more difficult to build an audience and create a platform that thrives. So in this episode, we’re covering the basics of creating a content strategy.

What’s a content strategy? It’s a fancy word for a content plan – which is something that lets you know what content you’re sharing where, when, and why.

It doesn’t take long to create a content strategy, and I’ll walk you through that in this episode. But you’re not creating just ANY content strategy. Nope, nope nope. You’re creating one that works for a Human Design Projector. Because it’s crucial that you work WITH your energy at every point in this process, including when it comes to sharing your content.

Update from 2024: Hello, dear listener! I mention the Projectors in Business Bundle in this episode. Unfortunately, that resource is no longer available. If you want to see what I have availble now, check out the links below.

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Meet Your Host

Hey! I’m Ardelia Lee. And my mission with That Projector Life is to offer support and guidance to my fellow Human Design Projectors so you can shift into alignment, joy, and success. Human Design is such a neat (and complex) system, and I know it can get a little overwhelming sometimes.

Through my podcast episodes, videos, and social posts, I want to bring this system to life in a clear, meaningful way. It really is meant to be lived, to be fully embodied. And I focus on Projectors specifically because we occupy a unique space in the Human Design world.

Being a Human Design Projector really is a gift, and I want to help you wake up to the beautiful energy you carry within you.

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