66. Put Your Mask on First With Shelby Melissa

Apr 8, 2020 | Interview, Projector Life

Episode Details

This week’s That Projector Life podcast episode features Reiki Master Shelby Melissa! Shelby is back on the show, and she and I chat through a lot of issues facing the collective now – stress, anxiety, overwhelm…and how to handle it.

Shelby pulls from her amazing Facebook Live series Creating Impact in Turbulent Times as she walks us through how we can care for ourselves during this chaotic and stressful time so that we can, in turn, create the positive impact we desire to see.

Join us as we hang out, riff on the system, and what to do when you’re feeling too overwhelmed to do any of the “de-stressing” techniques she offers. (Because honestly…sometimes it just feels easier to stay overwhelmed than it does to do EFT or meditate. – Shelby has a great suggestion for what to do if you’re in this boat.)

Also, Shelby offers us all an invitation to do nothing, rest, and be Projectors (something I definitely needed when we were chatting). This is a great reminder to take care of yourself and listen to your energy.

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Guest Spotlight – Shelby Melissa

Shelby Melissa is a Reiki Master, artist, and owner of Slow Mornings Co. She focuses on nurtuing others through journals, mindset work, and the value of rest. 

Shelby’s Links

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Meet Your Host

Hey! I’m Ardelia Lee. And my mission with That Projector Life is to offer support and guidance to my fellow Human Design Projectors so you can shift into alignment, joy, and success. Human Design is such a neat (and complex) system, and I know it can get a little overwhelming sometimes.

Through my podcast episodes, videos, and social posts, I want to bring this system to life in a clear, meaningful way. It really is meant to be lived, to be fully embodied. And I focus on Projectors specifically because we occupy a unique space in the Human Design world.

Being a Human Design Projector really is a gift, and I want to help you wake up to the beautiful energy you carry within you.

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