128. Shifting From Survival to Thriving With Allie Tymo

Oct 13, 2021 | Interview, Projector Life

Episode Details

Join me and my Splenic Projector guest, Brand Manager Allie Tymo as we talk all things Projector, business, and life. We have a great conversation, starting with what being an open G-Center Projector is like.

Allie shares her experience as well as her tips for creating a brand as someone who has an open G-Center. We segue into other areas of interest, including deconditioning as a Projector and regulating our nervous systems.

Allie has some great suggestions for how Projectors (or anyone, really) can begin to tap into their body and nervous system to move out of fight or flight so they can really begin to understand what’s going on.

This was such a fun and interesting conversation, so join us by listening to the episode!

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Meet Your Host

Hey! I’m Ardelia Lee. And my mission with That Projector Life is to offer support and guidance to my fellow Human Design Projectors so you can shift into alignment, joy, and success. Human Design is such a neat (and complex) system, and I know it can get a little overwhelming sometimes.

Through my podcast episodes, videos, and social posts, I want to bring this system to life in a clear, meaningful way. It really is meant to be lived, to be fully embodied. And I focus on Projectors specifically because we occupy a unique space in the Human Design world.

Being a Human Design Projector really is a gift, and I want to help you wake up to the beautiful energy you carry within you.

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