156. My 4 Scandalous Business Realizations

Episode Details
I’ve had some rather interesting business realizations over the past few weeks, and I wanted to put them all together so I could share them with you. I know we’re all searching for “The Solution” to being a Projector in business. And while I haven’t found it, I have discovered several things that have changed my business journey – and my life.
We’re starting our episode by talking about money and income goals because, though hustle culture has mostly gone the way of the dinosaurs, it continues to cast a long shadow over the online business space. We’ll also look at the role of business in my life and where it fits – because that’s been another big realization I’ve had.
I’m also highlighting and exploring my new approach to both business and life in that I’m no longer pushing for things. So I’ll talk about that and how it’s played out in my business and what it looks like so far. Finally, we’ll touch on some business rules you can break.
In recording this episode, I’ve realized that there’s so much conditioning we have around business – and that adds to the conditioning we already receive from being a Projector. I would love to hear any realizations you’ve had – either from listening to this episode or from your Projector journey.
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Meet Your Host
Hey! I’m Ardelia Lee. And my mission with That Projector Life is to offer support and guidance to my fellow Human Design Projectors so you can shift into alignment, joy, and success. Human Design is such a neat (and complex) system, and I know it can get a little overwhelming sometimes.
Through my podcast episodes, videos, and social posts, I want to bring this system to life in a clear, meaningful way. It really is meant to be lived, to be fully embodied. And I focus on Projectors specifically because we occupy a unique space in the Human Design world.
Being a Human Design Projector really is a gift, and I want to help you wake up to the beautiful energy you carry within you.
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